A Virtual Exhibition
Mamecology is a virtual exhibition of creative responses to breast cancer.
Our exhibition name, ‘Mamecology’, brings two words together to highlight the human at the heart of the patient. ‘The species to which we humans belong – ‘mammals’, are distinguished by our milk-producing mammary glands. When this part of the body is affected by illness, creative expression can help us recognise and honour the emotional, physical and spiritual ecosystem of the whole person. Thus, ‘ecology’ reminds us of our inner wholeness in the face of a diagnosis, as well as our organic part in nature.
We continue to welcome contributions.
A Virtual Exhibition
Mamecology is a virtual exhibition of artistic responses to breast cancer.
Our exhibition name, ‘Mamecology’, brings two words together to highlight the human at the heart of the patient. ‘The species to which we humans belong – ‘mammals’, are distinguished by our milk-producing mammary glands.
When this part of the body is affected by illness, creative expression can help us recognise and honour the emotional, physical and spiritual ecosystem of the whole person. Thus, ‘ecology’ reminds us of our inner wholeness in the face of a diagnosis, as well as our organic part in nature.
Opening In April 2022, we are accepting submissions (see below) from November 1st 2021 to March 14th 2022
All forms of creative practice that can be virtually exhibited (text, visual practices, music, audio-visual and photographic records of performances and so on) are welcome.
Below you will find the work of our contributors organised by writing, visual art, music and performance.

Our beautiful logo is inspired by the Japanese art of ‘kintsukuroi’ or ‘golden repair’, where a broken object is made even stronger, and more valuable and precious by using gold to mend it.
Our health practitioners and our allies in support services treat their work with patients as a form of ‘golden repair’, and our own creative work also has the potential to transform through the radiance of expression, and to restore a sense of inner wholeness.