June 8, 2022


June 8, 2022

This, My Everyday

June 8, 2022


May 6, 2022

O Woman

0 woman, clothed in the sun with the moon at your feet crown of twelve stars on your head pink ribbon at your breast queen of hope queen of healing queen of peace pray for us
May 6, 2022


How powerfully the Spirit worked in you dear mother for I could not have known anything was wrong
May 6, 2022


Afterwards, there are no more nurses in the room with the doctor, and you realize there’s been an official decision about the absence of desire. A board somewhere sat and determined it: male doctors may examine the remaining breast unaccompanied after mastectomy [...]
May 6, 2022

‘The Moon is no Door’

Like Sylvia’s moon, she was turning wild and bald, she looked for light beyond silhouetted trees but the trees of the mind were blacker, and they called. Caught in a tunnel of fear she slowly crawled into the darkest corners of disease - like Sylvia’s moon she was turning wild and bald. [...]
May 6, 2022


I could not say I felt like a walking miracle as we travelled south on the first day of spring. Snow on the Burren fleshed out skeletal stones, stopped gaps in the walls so the air could not pass and the valley sank deeper into smothered soundlessness. [...]
May 6, 2022

True Aim

Despite her stature she always saw herself as an Amazon but baulked at the price of amputation just to draw back the bowstring faster. [...]